Mind = Blown

Kinja'd!!! "cazzyodo" (cazzyodo)
01/06/2017 at 09:25 • Filed to: foodlopnik

Kinja'd!!!4 Kinja'd!!! 11

Like Kit-Kats? My buddy shared !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! about what the filling between the wafers are.




Kinja'd!!! Tekamul > cazzyodo
01/06/2017 at 09:36


Waste not want not.

It’s like tater tots. Ore-Ida use to throw away the little left over slivers. Then they got complaints over just how much they were throwing away, so they mushed them together and sold them.

Kinja'd!!! cazzyodo > Tekamul
01/06/2017 at 09:39


Reduce, reuse, recycle, feed me.

Kinja'd!!! Svend > cazzyodo
01/06/2017 at 09:43


A mate who lived next door but one. His mother worked at the nearby Carrs, McVities biscuit factory and would come home periodically with carrier bags of broken or non perfect biscuits that you could buy in the factory shop. Each bag contained roughly 50 biscuits for £1.

I used to loved it when she came round our house with Penguin and Gold bar biscuits (they also did Bourbons, Custard Creams, Digestives, etc... and water biscuits, in fact if you’ve eaten a water biscuit, there’s a 70% chance it was made at the factory near my house).

I love a KitKat but I also love a Trix also.


Kinja'd!!! Rainbow > cazzyodo
01/06/2017 at 09:44


So how did they make the first Kit-Kats, then, if there were none to smoosh up?

Kinja'd!!! cazzyodo > Rainbow
01/06/2017 at 09:48


Previous trials?

First lbs off the run? Beginning of most production runs are throw-away or recycled because they clear the line or get it up to speed.

But honestly, who knows? I’m going to let it remain a mystery to me rather than Google it.

Kinja'd!!! AntiSpeed > Rainbow
01/06/2017 at 10:16


It probably was chocolate, or nougat or something like that. Then one quarterly board meeting the suits declared that they needed to cut costs. So somebody suggested replacing the ingredient with the kit kats that got rejected.

Kinja'd!!! wiffleballtony > cazzyodo
01/06/2017 at 10:20


Yo dawg. I heard you like kit kats, so I put kit kats in your kit kats while you kit kat.


Kinja'd!!! Wacko > cazzyodo
01/06/2017 at 10:36


Canadian VS British Kit-kat


Canadian Vs American


Kinja'd!!! cazzyodo > Wacko
01/06/2017 at 10:45


True story...American milk chocolate sucks.

Probably why I prefer dark.

Kinja'd!!! cazzyodo > wiffleballtony
01/06/2017 at 10:46


I’m actually mad I didn’t think of that.

Kinja'd!!! BritishLeyland™ > cazzyodo
01/06/2017 at 12:08



What’s a Kit-Kat? Never heard of it. No never, really. Honestly. I don’t what your talking about!